The previous posts from this series are Part1, Part2 and Part3. Profile management Just to summarize the dependency graph for the different type of provisioning profiles here is the graph: The Developer Profile depends on / consist the following Team identifiers, Developer certificates, Devices, Entitlements/capabilities, which is also part of the Identifier, Apple Certificates. The Distribution Profile ...
The previous posts from this series are Part1 and Part2. Let start with the most important question: Why we need a provisioning profile? The short answer is: Because we want to run our shiny new app on a physical device. So, if you never ever want to run your ode on a physical device, ...
In the first part of this course I went through the first preparation steps in order to create the provisioning profile, namely that how to create the different certificates, and also how to add the devices that you own. In this post we will get into another important ingredients of “cooking” of the provisioning profiles: ...
In this series blog post I will try to give you a brief explanation on what are the requirements and the differences for the Development and the Distribution provisioning profiles.
I think most of us were absolutely happy when we downloaded the Xcode 9, and started to enjoy the new features. I was happy as well, but my happiness didn’t take long. My face started to turn into a frowning face, immediately after when I wanted to upload my current project to the App Store. ...
The recent meltdown of GitLab made me more aware again about the remote repository and thinking about using more than one provider in git, with only one push. In a pure git based situation it is quite easy, actually you can use hacks and official solutions. Let see quickly what are they: Hack #1 At ...
When I was reading about the new App Store review view controller, which is most likely provided in iOS 10.3 on different technology blogs and newsletters, I wanted to try it out immediately. So I started to look after it, where could I acquire more information about it. The answer was so obvious (except the ...
So, you want to learn the language, but don’t want to buy a Mac? It is possible. Actually I have just downloaded the 2nd edition of the Swift Programming from Big Nerd Ranch, when I realised, that I don’t have access to my beloved Mac, only the company’s HP notebook. Free stuff First of all, ...
Yep, that’s the most abandoned thing during the development, I know. But it is so easy to add documentation comment blocks to your code, either in Swift or Objective-C, that there won’t be an excuse to do so… At least not after you read this blog post. There is already a keyboard shortcut: option(alt) + ...
Recently I commute a lot, and I also work on an iOS project which needs to download data from a web server. When I had ran out of my mobile data package I realised that I need cheaper solution in order to test the data connection and the data download in my iOS App. If ...