WWDC24 – Apple event at Apple

17. June 2024 Swift, Xcode 0
The Apple event is definitely the main event of the WWDC week. If you were lucky enough to win the Golden ticket for 2024, then you could spend some time at the Fruit Co. establishment from Sunday to Tuesday.  Apple Design Award reception and badge-up After I won the ticket lottery, I started to receive ...

The Provisioning Profile Crash Course – Part 4

03. May 2022 Tools, Xcode 0
The previous posts from this series are Part1, Part2 and Part3. Profile management Just to summarize the dependency graph for the different type of provisioning profiles here is the graph: The Developer Profile depends on / consist the following Team identifiers, Developer certificates, Devices, Entitlements/capabilities, which is also part of the Identifier, Apple Certificates. The Distribution Profile ...

Provisioning Profile Crash Course – Part 3

26. April 2022 Tools, Xcode 0
The previous posts from this series are Part1 and Part2. Let start with the most important question: Why we need a provisioning profile?  The short answer is: Because we want to run our shiny new app on a physical device.   So, if you never ever want to run your ode on a physical device, ...

Provisioning Profile Crash Course – Part 2

15. April 2022 Tools, Xcode 0
In the first part of this course I went through the first preparation steps in order to create the provisioning profile, namely that how to create the different certificates, and also how to add the devices that you own. In this post we will get into another important ingredients of “cooking” of the provisioning profiles: ...

Failed to code sign ContentView.swift – SwiftUI

11. June 2019 Swift, Xcode 3
Unfortunately if you want to leverage/play/enjoy the new SwiftUI hot reload capabilities, then you need to update your beloved macOS Mojave to Catalina alongside with the Xcode 11 beta. Ok, so let’s image you can’t wait to download the macOS Catalina Beta (6GB) on your existing system with macOS Mojave and Xcode 10. Getting some ...

Xcode 9 and ERROR ITMS-4088

28. September 2017 Settings, Tools, Xcode 3
I think most of us were absolutely happy when we downloaded the Xcode 9, and started to enjoy the new features. I was happy as well, but my happiness didn’t take long. My face started to turn into a frowning face, immediately after when I wanted to upload my current project to the App Store. ...

Stay tuned, Stanford iOS10 course by Paul Hegarty is coming! [U]

12. February 2017 Beginner, Swift, Xcode 0
Update: It has been officially released: https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-10-apps-swift/id1198467120 One of the redditors spotted this YouTube playlist, with the first few lectures of the “Developing Applications for iOS (10), Winter 2017”. According to the videos Paul Hegarty is using Xcode 8, and Swift 3, which is a great news, due to the source code compatibility introduced in ...