When I was reading about the new App Store review view controller, which is most likely provided in iOS 10.3 on different technology blogs and newsletters, I wanted to try it out immediately. So I started to look after it, where could I acquire more information about it. The answer was so obvious (except the ...
Have you ever felt the stress and frustration when your issue navigator is full of warnings and errors? My advice is: Leave your bad feelings behind. Believe or not, compiler warnings and errors are your best friends. Why am I saying this? Because the ability to catch bug, or a possible problem in your code ...
Maybe it is not so obvious for most of the developers, but the documentation of your application and code is crucial in long term. Whoever has ever worked in code maintenance knows this. The general problem is with the documentation is that everybody hates to do it, especially when this somebody is in either rush ...
Yep, that’s the most abandoned thing during the development, I know. But it is so easy to add documentation comment blocks to your code, either in Swift or Objective-C, that there won’t be an excuse to do so… At least not after you read this blog post. There is already a keyboard shortcut: option(alt) + ...
After upgrading from Xcode 7 to Xcode 8, I have just noticed that when I am using the simulator, my debug console is getting full with weird messages. Some of the messages could be interesting, but my concern is that my short NSLog messages tend to be disappear in the surrounding noise. It seems that ...