Swift enum range matching

I have been recently working on a HealthKit related app, where I wanted to categorise the blood pressure data. If you are not familiar with this data, here is a little explanation: Measuring Blood pressure Blood pressure build up from 2 numbers: the systolic value and the diastolic value. The valid value ranges for systolic ...

Learn Swift on your iPhone: Unwrap

21. August 2018 Beginner, Swift 0
Ok, I have already mentioned how to get access to a machine from your web browser, which runs Swift. There is also a good resource from Paul Hudson, who is the author of a dozen of Swift books. Paul decided to write an iOS app, called Unwrap where you can learn the basics of Swift. ...

Stay tuned, Stanford iOS10 course by Paul Hegarty is coming! [U]

12. February 2017 Beginner, Swift, Xcode 0
Update: It has been officially released: https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-10-apps-swift/id1198467120 One of the redditors spotted this YouTube playlist, with the first few lectures of the “Developing Applications for iOS (10), Winter 2017”. According to the videos Paul Hegarty is using Xcode 8, and Swift 3, which is a great news, due to the source code compatibility introduced in ...

Tune your header file Part 2: Nullability

In the first post I put the focus on the initializers, in this post I would like to put the nullability into the spotlight. I would also explain why is it a good practice, and how it will help you migrate your existing Objective-C code into Swift. Nullable/Nonnull The idea behind using the nullable/nonnull keyword ...