Unfortunately if you want to leverage/play/enjoy the new SwiftUI hot reload capabilities, then you need to update your beloved macOS Mojave to Catalina alongside with the Xcode 11 beta. Ok, so let’s image you can’t wait to download the macOS Catalina Beta (6GB) on your existing system with macOS Mojave and Xcode 10. Getting some ...
Ok, I have already mentioned how to get access to a machine from your web browser, which runs Swift. There is also a good resource from Paul Hudson, who is the author of a dozen of Swift books. Paul decided to write an iOS app, called Unwrap where you can learn the basics of Swift. ...
I think most of us were absolutely happy when we downloaded the Xcode 9, and started to enjoy the new features. I was happy as well, but my happiness didn’t take long. My face started to turn into a frowning face, immediately after when I wanted to upload my current project to the App Store. ...
Let me share my story about a bug, which was driving me crazy for a week. I made some modification in my app, tested it on simulators, even a device, and I sent the latest build for the internal TestFlight. When I installed the app on the same device I used to use for testing ...
Ok, you might be laughing at the end of this post, but I thought it is better if I put this into a searchable form, and you might in the same situation as me. In a nutshell: I modified the signature one of my class’s initializer, this class was actually a subclass of the UIView, ...
The recent meltdown of GitLab made me more aware again about the remote repository and thinking about using more than one provider in git, with only one push. In a pure git based situation it is quite easy, actually you can use hacks and official solutions. Let see quickly what are they: Hack #1 At ...
Update: It has been officially released: https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/developing-ios-10-apps-swift/id1198467120 One of the redditors spotted this YouTube playlist, with the first few lectures of the “Developing Applications for iOS (10), Winter 2017”. According to the videos Paul Hegarty is using Xcode 8, and Swift 3, which is a great news, due to the source code compatibility introduced in ...
When I was reading about the new App Store review view controller, which is most likely provided in iOS 10.3 on different technology blogs and newsletters, I wanted to try it out immediately. So I started to look after it, where could I acquire more information about it. The answer was so obvious (except the ...
Finally, we are here;). The road was quite long from the initial solution, where we just put all of our code into one class, and we were happy that it worked to the current situation, where our code based on the delegation pattern. In this blog post we go further, and we will apply the ...
In the first post I put the focus on the initializers, in this post I would like to put the nullability into the spotlight. I would also explain why is it a good practice, and how it will help you migrate your existing Objective-C code into Swift. Nullable/Nonnull The idea behind using the nullable/nonnull keyword ...