After upgrading from Xcode 7 to Xcode 8, I have just noticed that when I am using the simulator, my debug console is getting full with weird messages. Some of the messages could be interesting, but my concern is that my short NSLog messages tend to be disappear in the surrounding noise. It seems that ...
Ok, it sounds stupid at first sight, because warnings and errors are for us: they help the developer’s life to find out where are the problematic parts of our code. In the other hand you might end up in situation when you would like to switch off this feature. To be honest, disable warnings can ...
There are 2 checkboxes at the very beginning of the new project wizard, Include Unit Tests and Include UI Tests. You can use this guide to re-add those tests, if you removed the mark from the boxes during the new project creation process. If you forgot to include Unit test in your project, first you ...
Recently I commute a lot, and I also work on an iOS project which needs to download data from a web server. When I had ran out of my mobile data package I realised that I need cheaper solution in order to test the data connection and the data download in my iOS App. If ...
I think the time is finally here to (re)think your approach to Swift. It has been in the wild for long enough time to see how smart step was to make it from scratch and publish it as open sourced. In short: it was really smart. I purposely wrote “Swift developer” in the title, since ...
So, what is App Transport Security? In a nutshell: this new mechanism in iOS 9 would protect the transmission channel between our app ad the server, forcing to use the TLS or SSL encryption. I recently received a task, to demonstrate how to display and download data from a remote web server in iOS. The specs started ...
I wanted to use some kind of random data in my recent project, but I had a feeling by using the plain arc4random() function didn’t give me properly shuffled data. I know there is a way to seed the function, but I was looking for more interesting, and easily deployable solution. Along wit other cool ...
As I mentined before I started both learning path. I read and processed the BNR iOS book up till the Chapter 12, which is about the touch events. I started the Stanford iTunes course after that, and I think they brutally strengthen each other. Currently I am at Week 6 in iTunes, that’s the last ...
When I was wondering what should be the topic for my next post, I was really in trouble. Actually, there are at least 3 proper blog posts to give you an overview and a blueprint how to build and transform yourself into an iOS programmer, even without prior computer science or programming knowledge. Which is ...
So, you want to learn iOS development, as I do? Let’s try to put it together what we all need to go forward on this learning path. I am sure that you have the temptation to do it as quick as it is possible, with some shortcuts, but I strongly suggest to give yourself some ...